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Game design workshops

We do game design workshops at primary schools and develop small games in groups that deal with topics from the curriculum. This way we can give the children an insight into our work as game designers and_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_simultaneously deepen the topics they have covered in class. At the end they have a working little game that they can play with each other and show their parents and friends.

The game, that can be seen in the video above, was designed and designed by of the Welcome Class 5B of the Reinhold Otto Elementary School.


Project overview

Team Timo Falcke, Max Warsinke, Josia Roncancio, and Marlene Käseberg

Welcome Class 5Bthe Reinhold Otto Elementary School

Teacher Frau Lerch

Duration 2 school days + preparation/follow-up

platformpersonal computer

TechnologyUnity 3D, paper and pens

What I have learned

Pedagogy is not easy.

Workshops Preparation, alignment, post-processing


During the workshop, the students deal with the conception of the game, the creation of graphics, animation, research and preparation of quizzes, programming (simplified), level design, balancing and QA (testing).

Small animations

The Spielfigur should be animated. For this we prepared a template that the children could use to animate a walkcycle. A light, gray form shows the position in which the figure must be painted so that a walking animation can result . The children can decide for themselves what the character looks like, what he is wearing or what figure he has. Here you can see a template already colored - a spy with a whistle.

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